Happy Green Shake

Contains Everything you Needs for a Healthy Happy Brain

Most people are more concerned about what kind of fuel they put into their cars than the kind of fuel they put into their bodies.  The diseases we suffer from are a symptom of eating the wrong diet and having a lifestyle for which we were not designed.  The health of our bodies directly impacts our minds as well as our spiritual lives.  We are called to “present [our] bodies [as] a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is [our] reasonable service.” Rom 12:1   It is our “reasonable service” because it is fair… God knows our limitations and weakness and he doesn’t ask for the impossible.  And we do it for our own sake (since we’re the ones who benefit directly from a healthy body, mind and spirit) as well as for the benefit of those who have to live with us.

So it can be a simple matter of eating right to help us get back to optimal health, optimal thinking and a functional life.

Basic principles in Brain Health:

  • Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and organic whole grains
  • Avoid animal products, processed foods, sugar, processed or refined fats, caffeine, hybridized wheat and alcohol.
  • Eat a good breakfast, a moderate lunch, and a very light supper at regular times with nothing in between. No snacks! No skipping Meals.


  1. Eat foods containing FOLATES:

Garbanzo beans (chickpeas); lentils; pinto beans, asparagus, black eyed peas, avocado, spinach, beets, broccoli

  1. Eat foods containing TRYPTOPHAN:

Spirulina, sesame seeds, cashews, walnuts, whole grain oats, brown rice, corn, quinoa, beans, potatoes, bananas.

  1. Eat foods containing OMEGA 3:

Walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds are the best sources but also Butternuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, hemp seeds, hazelnuts, Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach and watercress.

* Vitamin B12 is of vital importance for healthy brain function, and has to be supplemented if you follow a vegan diet.


How to make a Happy Green Shake:

1 cup pineapple juice (100% juice, sugar and preservative free)

1/4 cup coconut milk

1 small banana (preferably frozen)

1 tablespoon date sugar

1/2 teaspoon spirulina powder

1/8 teaspoon kelp powder

Grind the following seeds in a coffee grinder:

1 tablespoon hemp seeds

1 tablespoon sesame seeds

1 tablespoon golden flax seeds

1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds

Add the ground seeds to the blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Courtesy of Health Prophet

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